Thursday, November 22, 2012

Blessed: Thankful for Calvary

Wow. This really goes without saying...but what would the point of being saying I am thankful
for anything else at all if I didn't say how grateful I am for the cross.
There really are no words for this. I am in awe of the love of God, sending his son to die...
for me...for you...
Tonight as I worshiped God at church, I was lost in a unexplainable...I don't know, I want to say 
emotion, but emotion seems too imperfect and human for how thankful I really am.
It can only be explained by looking in my heart,
and at least I know He an do that.
God, I am so thankful for your son going to the cross, for redemption, for salvation, 
health, provision, joy, peace...and everything else you provided when Jesus went to the cross.
I don't know how to say it, nor do I feel I could say it enough, so I ask you to look into my heart,
and know how much I love you.

Link up all your thankful posts with Tico and Tina and myself all week long. 
Everyone who links up will be entered in a giveaway. We are giving away a $10 Starbucks giftcard PLUS each of us are giving away a one month spot for our "In Post" Ads! 
 That's all you gotta do! Be Thankful and link up!


Shabby Apple Giveaway Winner: Amber McCain. Please email me when you have a chance!


amber.m said...

Oh my gosh! YAY!!! emailing you now!!

amber.m said...

Okay, I lied. i can't find your email address anywhere!!!! HELP!!!

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