Showing posts with label giveaway. Show all posts
Showing posts with label giveaway. Show all posts

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Blessed: Thankful for Calvary

Wow. This really goes without saying...but what would the point of being saying I am thankful
for anything else at all if I didn't say how grateful I am for the cross.
There really are no words for this. I am in awe of the love of God, sending his son to die...
for me...for you...
Tonight as I worshiped God at church, I was lost in a unexplainable...I don't know, I want to say 
emotion, but emotion seems too imperfect and human for how thankful I really am.
It can only be explained by looking in my heart,
and at least I know He an do that.
God, I am so thankful for your son going to the cross, for redemption, for salvation, 
health, provision, joy, peace...and everything else you provided when Jesus went to the cross.
I don't know how to say it, nor do I feel I could say it enough, so I ask you to look into my heart,
and know how much I love you.

Link up all your thankful posts with Tico and Tina and myself all week long. 
Everyone who links up will be entered in a giveaway. We are giving away a $10 Starbucks giftcard PLUS each of us are giving away a one month spot for our "In Post" Ads! 
 That's all you gotta do! Be Thankful and link up!


Shabby Apple Giveaway Winner: Amber McCain. Please email me when you have a chance!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

(Announcement) Blessed: A Thankful Link Up & Giveaway

So excited to announce a fun little link up & giveaway for the week of Thanksgiving!

Next week it's Thanksgiving! Yay! The start to a festive season is upon us!
I am so excited and things get a little crazy around here, as I'm sure they do for everyone!
But what a perfect opportunity to start off the Holiday season the right way,
by recognizing all we are blessed with and thankful for!
I know next week a bunch of you will be posting your thoughts on being
thankful, what you are thankful for and how blessed you are.
So Christina from TicoandTina and myself want to give you the opportunity to link up
all your Thanksgiving related posts to one link up! And we are calling it BLESSED!
We will both be posting about being Blessed throughout the week!
 They will all host the same link up and we'd love for you to grab the "Blessed" button 
and join us anytime throughout the week!
If you have more than one thankful post, link em all up!

And guess what? We are even going to throw in a little giveaway to anyone who
links up a Thankful post! A $10 Starbucks card and both TicoandTina and myself will be giving
away one month of "In Post" adspace!
All ya gotta do is grab the button and link up with a Thanksgiving-y post sometime next week!
You don't even have to follow us if you don't want! But of course, we'd love to have you!

Spread the word!
Grab the button, count all your blessings, and get your thankful on...
And link up! Also , lets use the hashtag #ohsoblessed for our posts! 


Don't forget to link up tomorrow for 50 Shades of Stupid ! Tell us your dumb,
stupid and embarrassing stories so we can all laugh at each other!!

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