Monday, November 19, 2012

Blessed: Thankful I Am Alive Today

Welcome to Blessed! A week of being thankful for all we have!
Link up all your Thanksgiving-y posts this week!
Are you talking about being thankful for your blessings this week? Link it up!
My goal is to post something each day this week through Friday.
Thats a big goal for me, since not only is it Thanksgiving, but it's my daughter 
Jada's 7th birthday this week and it's my 16th Wedding Anniversary this week! 
Of course, all things to be thankful for, right? But I'm gonna give it a go!

This is going to sound so cliche' but today I am thankful for my life.
I don't mean just life in general, but I am thankful I am alive today.
A few years ago, I felt like I couldn't function. I couldn't control the way my brain 
would obsess over the details of my pain and confusion.
I wanted to stop thinking. And the only way I could think of making that happen was
to stop living. Fortunately for me, God has blessed me with 3 kids and a husband who are 
so incredibly in love with me. I know how much they need me.
And that is what kept me going. Knowing if I had any value, it was to them.
Of course, now I know differently. I know that I carry value to God
and many others that He has surrounded me with.
Days can still be hard for me on occasion, but the purpose in living is so worth it when I see the 
smiles on my kids faces when I tickle them and chase them or when me and my hubby start
cracking up about his ridiculous jokes.

Lord, I am so thankful you have given me life, you have given me purpose and you
have given me hope. As I turn the next page of my life, enter this new season, now I
know how much I rely on You for strength. And I am thankful you have always been
with me even when I didn't realize it. Today, I am blessed.

Link up all your thankful posts with Tico and Tina and myself all week long. 
Everyone who links up will be entered in a giveaway. We are giving away a $10 Starbucks giftcard PLUS each of us are giving away a one month spot for our "In Post" Ads! 
 That's all you gotta do! Be Thankful and link up!
Oh and lets use the hashtag #ohsoblessed =)



Shannon @Imperfectly Perfect Grace said...

What a big week you've got! Praying that is will be full of blessings. Thank you for sharing your heart.

brittany z said...

I love how our kids can change the perspective we have in our every day lives. I know my little one does this for me.

Abbey said...

So...I want to link up, but this week I have guest posts...I'll put my link for it, but would I put their name or mine for the name part?

Thanks! :)

jillian at faith that laughs. said...

thankful for my life too! love your heart! xoxo

TicoTina said...

I'm so thankful for your life, toooooooo! love you friend!

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