Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Blessed: Thankful for Jada

Today is my baby's birthday. Well, I say baby hesitatingly because my baby is actually
my middle daughter who turns 7 years old today! What kind of Mom would I be if I didn't talk about Jada a little bit today, the day before Thanksgiving, her birthday.

Dear Jada, as I type this, I have to stop to yell at you because you are teasing.
You are always teasing. Non-stop teasing. Most people don't get to see it.
I see it every single day. You, by far the the silliest, most mischievous, 
weirdest of our little family. Oh, the stickers. what can I say? You started this obsession 
probably when you were 3-4 years old. Today, you are 7 and I'm looking over at you
behind my computer screen with a piece of masking tape stuck to your forehead.
I wonder if it will ever end. 
Remember what Mommy always says to you.
"I got my fingers, my cup, and my tape so I'm all set." When you were 6 months old,
you start sucking on your two fingers. I thought, hey, no biggie. It's easier than a pacifier.
My dear sweet daughter, you are 7 now. Time to stop sucking on the fingers. And while we 
are at it, the sippy cup must go too.

Jada, you by far have always been our most expressive child.
I always tell you how happy you make Mommy. (Even though I just got done 
screaming at you again for teasing.) I will never forget how happy I was when you 
were born and your daddy brought you to me and I told daddy, "Look at her eyelashes.
She looks like a girl." You were so perfect, my first girl. I don't know what I would do 
without you in my life. I am so so thankful that God gave you to us.
You keep us laughing all the time. You are that child that consistently has Mommy laughing.
And sometimes I get sad at how fast you are growing up, but at the same time I look
forward to watch you as this comedian personality type of yours develops.

Jada, Jada, Jada, Jada, Jada-Marriiiiiaaaaa! (sung to the tune of Karma Chameleon),
I love you so much. I am so incredibly thankful for you jokes and pranks
and all the laughter and love you have brought into our lives. I know you
can't even help it, it's just you. Crazy, goofy you.
And I love all of you. Happy Birthday, Jada Wada.

Love, Mommy

Lord, I am so thankful that you thought so much of us to give us so much fun in the
form of Jada. She brings a definite unique personality into our family.
One I can't even describe. And so much of it she saves just for us. At least now she does.
I pray that you would continue molding her and making her into a Godly young
lady who can make people smile and bless their lives with joy.
Thank you for letting us raise her and continue teaching us what would be best for her
in each situation. Today, on Jada's 7th birthday, I am blessed.

A little example of the crazy Jada we experience at home!

Link up all your thankful posts with Tico and Tina and myself all week long. 
Everyone who links up will be entered in a giveaway. We are giving away a $10 Starbucks giftcard PLUS each of us are giving away a one month spot for our "In Post" Ads! 
 That's all you gotta do! Be Thankful and link up!


Also Linked up here:
Becoming What I always Was
Wild and Precious
Kincaid Parade
Julie Ann Art


TicoTina said...

haha awesome! we miss you guys and your funny ways!!! tell Jada happy birthday from us today =)

Michele B. said...

Those are some great pics. Boy, do they grow up quick but its great to see your reflection through words and pictures. Someday it will be cool to look back. Happy birthday Jada!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Miss Jada!! She is just way too cool for school I tell ya!! Girl has style!

I hope you and your family have a blessed Thanksgiving!!

The Pink Growl said...

Love these pictures of Jada - she is such a doll!

Brooke @ Covered in Grace said...

My goodness she is so silly! =D I love it. So glad you shared that video. Happy Birthday Miss Jada!!

LeahJo said...

what a pretty little girl and super fun spirit!! happy birthday to your little princess!

Kayla Gerard said...

Just warning you, the sticker thing might not wear off, cuz I do it too. Every time I see tape or stickers I have to play with it til its not sticky anymore. HAHA yepppp.....

I always say that I hope my kids are as cute as yours and I still stand by that! :) HAPPY BIRTHDAY JADA!!

Becky [Apples of Gold] said...

She seems like SO much fun!! I LOVE that photo of her with stickers all over. My kind of girl! She's gonna be the girl that everyone wants to be friends with (if she isn't already!) =) Super cute. God bless her and Happy birthday to Jada!!

LWLH said...

Happy Birthday Jada!!!

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