Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Are Words Really Necessary?

This is a great quote, I believe in it. I believe we are to live our lives so that others see
the love of Jesus shining through our actions.
However, I think it has the possibility to give the impression that words are never necessary.
When in fact, words have their time, and their season.
God spoke the world into existence.
Let there be light. 
Let dry ground appear.
Let there be a space between the waters...
Proverbs 18:21 says "Death and Life are in the power of the tongue."
Words have the ability to lift up, or the ability to destroy.
So there are those moments when it's not only in your actions, but in what comes 
out of your mouth that has the ability to reach a life or touch a heart.

And we,  Sarah from The Fontenot Four, Allison from Sweatpants and High Heels and myself
are giving you the chance to speak up and use your words
in a vlog. Take 5 minutes and share with everyone your story of how you met Jesus.
There may be somebody out there who needs to hear what YOU have to say,
and only you.
For more about this new VLOG link up called REPRESENT, 
click here!
We go live ONE WEEK FROM TODAY! Wednesday, September 26th!

Going to leave you with this song, about letting our lives display the love of Christ.



Anonymous said...

Awesome idea. I know my Jesus encounter at a tent meeting in Miller Park was a divine appointment.

jillian at faith that laughs. said...

i have always loved that quote. thanks for sharing! xoxo

My name is Jessica said...

I have got to save this quote somewhere! It is such a good one.

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