Friday, June 8, 2012

He Said, She Said~ 30 Words

A sweet friend of mine, Gina from Contemplating Beauty wrote a post called 30 words,
which she had seen other people do on their blogs.
You find thirty words to describe yourself.
I am lacking for time this week, 
but I wanted to post something new.
So, on a whim...I will try this

but there's a catch...
This will be sort of a "He Said, She Said" version~
I will do the first 15 words~
and I haven't actually asked Jeff yet, 
but I hope to get him to do the last fifteen!
(I am curious to see what he comes up with
to describe me after almost 16 years of marriage!)

Here goes me:
1. compassionate
2. seeker
3. creative
4. dreamer
5. needy
6. frazzled
7. tired
8. busy 
9. lover
10. sarcastic
11. open (sometimes too much)
12. trusting (always too much?)
13. endearing
14. obsessive
15. encouraging

Here Goes Hubby: (eeeeeek!)
16. Chippewa
17. Inspirational
18. Cute
19. Creative
20. Caring
21. Tomahawk
22. Godly
23. Loving
24. Cowgirl (thanks to me :x)
25. Takemypicturous
26. Motherly
27. Stressed
28. Sassy Pants
29. Fun
30. Enjoys life

Awwwww! I got him to do it!!
I swear I don't run around my house with a tomahawk doing native chants!
Ok, now my 2 cents.
# 25...Bloggers~ Who isn't?? Right?
#27...Mothers~ I swear I am not the only one.

Since HE mentioned "takemypicturous".... everytime he DOES take pics for me,
I end up with at least 2 or 3 of the the above disgusting shots,
so apparently   he keeps himself amused he is a professional...


ginanorma said...

OH!!! I love your words, (obsessive huh? you got me wondering now:o

his words are precious too, how fun hon....glad you went for it!

Amanda said...

Love this! Takesmypicture - yes Mr. E. could say that! :)

Also - the backside pic...yep Mr. E. takes those too. I found one of me bending over turning on a water hose or something...I didn't even know he took the picture until I went through the pictures from the day! Ha!

JackieShoemaker said...

What a great idea! I love that your husband got involved..i wonder if i could get my love to do it too! #5 and #10 would definitely be on my list!

TicoTina said...

HAHAHAHAHA David is ALWAYS taking pictures of my butt, LOLOLOLOL husbands crack me UP!

Makaila said...

Hilarious! and so very cute. :) "sassy pants". that's the very best one!

Kelly said...

Hahahaha!! Hey at least you are wearing super cute jeans!!!! So fun!

Kelly said...

Super cute! And no your not the only one.

Cassie {} said...

Ha! i LOVE it! I always end up with shots of my chest, thanks to my hubby. Very cute post! :)

Maria said...

This was a fun post, Julie! So sweet that your husband joined in!
#11 and 12 hit home
And #25 is me too! :)
I love your're always beautiful and smiling.
Sending love your way!
Have a fantastic weekend!

Girls Love Fried Pickles said...

Men and their disgusting shots. Some guys just love the butts!

Lucy McCracken said...

WHat a great post! It's always fun to see what the hubby's think about us. lol My hubby would so relate to # 25 as well. lol Happy Monday!

Jenny said...

This is such a cute idea! I am so glad I found your blog, now following along :)
Modern Modest Beauty

Sarah said...

I love this post! I'm bookmarking to steal it in the near future :) I'm your newest follower!

Rachel said...

It must be a husband thing...I always find about a dozen pictures of my behind after Angel's had the camera during some party or vacation...

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