Saturday, February 25, 2012

Liebster Blog & Blog Mess

PLEASE excuse my BLOG MESS while I renovate it =) 
It may change backgrounds and headers several hundred times this week!
(wink wink)

So a few weeks ago, I was nominated for the Liebster Blog award by a GORGEOUS blogger named Lauren & her blog is called Lauren Rebecca ! Every time I go to her page I am seriously overwhelmed by how beautiful her photos are.. how poetic she is... and reading about her crazy undeniable love for her baby sweetie pie, Scarlett. If you havent checked out her blog, go do it... NOW... I mean it, go now =) Thank You, Lauren for the nomination and the support for a new blogger like me =) Sorry it took me so long to get around to assuming the position! =)

the rules are:
1. Link back to the blogger who nominated you :)
2. Copy and paste the award to your blog
  3. List at least three blogs (with less than 200 followers) you would like to award

...because you inspired me with your medical missions mentioning =) 
The Williams' Post

2)  Emmy June  
...because you linked me up with Fridays Letters! 

...because your a mama, and mamas need to be recognized =)
(no button that I noticed) =)

Here ya go! Go take a look see at these beautiful blogs =)


Girls Love Fried Pickles said...

Congrats! Your blog rocks!

Julie Marie said...

haha! awesome! thanks =)

Emily said...

Thanks chica! Glad you like the Friday's Letters :) It's funny because someone gave me the Liebster just a week or two ago...and I wanted to give one you to...but I saw that I was too late and you'd already been awarded one.

So basically, we got some mutual blog lovin going on!

Your creativity, photography, and photo editing skills are awesome. I am totally jelly.

Julie Marie said...

haha. love it.... totally jelly =)

Kerrie said...

you're SO SWEET! I love it :) I have received one before and think it's crazy that ANYONE would think of me!! I'm so excited to hear about your decision about the medical trip! When is it?

Julie Marie said...

the trip is Oct. 26-Nov 11 =) exciting, but scary =)

Little Mamanista said...

Thank you sooo much for thinking of me! <3 You are just too sweet!

ginanorma said...

It's such a thoughtful award, I was humbled to receive it too!!! Congrats, you should have it!

Julie Marie said...

you're welcome =)

Julie Marie said...

awww thanks =)

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