Tuesday, February 21, 2012

kids and conversations

A few years ago, a friend showed me a journal she kept of all those moments and things she loved that her kids would say, so she would never forget those moments that made her laugh, or that made her gush.... As great of an idea as i thought it was, and swore i would do that too, 
sadly i never did...that is, until facebook.
Pretty soon, I began documenting via status update the conversations i had with my 
lil posse , and the crazy things they would say out of nowhere. 
Over the last few years, I had so many people commenting me, telling me my status updates about my kids made their day, telling me to write a book about what kids say, but i never really could muster up the ambition to look into it.
(this was before i start writing sincere, heartfelt encouraging status updates)
So between the two, I start blogging.. 
Somedays i had so much on my heart to share about personal struggles and  
life and God...
and some days i just had to tell you what MY KID just said, and it made people smile. =)
So since i started this little bloggy thing, I have been trying to figure out a way to 
"blog" the things my kids say, and i thought of doing this...  
"Kids & Conversations." ~a simple way to relay what crazy kid said what today.
If it wasnt for these three little indians (hee hee), I'm pretty sure my life would be like a 
sack of potatoes. brown, dull, boring. Now, its NEVER boring!!!
Its busy. Its Crazy. And Its hilarious!!
To see the latest "Kids and Conversations" click on my 
Since I was a little behind on this PORTION of my blog, I posted a short conversation that I had with each kid. Hope they make you smile =)
  They are so much fun! 


Breanna Hohenstein said...

Beautiful kiddos you have :)

stephanie said...

your kids are the cutest and i love your stories about them!

Julie Marie said...

thanks breanna =)

Julie Marie said...

=) thanks steph...

Anonymous said...

I don't have kids (yet) but my friends' kids do say the funniest and smartest things. God bless your kids- they're very cute xo

Katie said...

What cuties!!! My husband's mom actually wrote down tons of quotes he said growing up. They are so funny to look back on!!!

Julie Marie said...

i wish i would have done it for longer... and now i really should go through all my facebook statuses and see what i wrote and journal them in an actual book , i suppose. it is funny though...seeing the things that kids say.. =)

Julie Marie said...

kids will surprise you with some of the things come out of their mouths.. i thoroughly enjoy waking up each day wondering what they will say today =)

Kylie said...

i love this. kids really are hilarious. i'm glad youre taking notes on the funny things they say!

Julie Marie said...

me too! finally! i should have been doing it long ago!!

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