Showing posts with label sponsors. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sponsors. Show all posts

Thursday, November 1, 2012

When Mr. And Mrs Become Roomies

It's November!
That means on the 23rd of this month it marks 16 years that Jeff and I have been married!
That's a looooooong time! After 16 years, you learn a few things.
Those aren't always easy lessons.
Things that people never told me.

I am talking about the lessons I've learned in being married for SOOOOO long.
What to do. WHAT NOT TO DO.
And how not to let your marriage fall apart.
Read my story and what I have to say today over at Covered In Grace!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Shout Out to My Girls!!!

Before you go anywhere, Let me tell you this:
1) I love my girls. I love their blogs. I don't just let them introduce themselves to you,
I let you know what I love about them too. So, don't shut your eyes just because this is a 
"Shout Out'...instead, this may be your chance to find something beautiful.
2) MAKE SURE YOU come back tomorrow, because I will be hosting my first GROUP or any kind of GIVEAWAY with adspace, shop credit, gift cards, jewelry 
& other made with love, one of a kind Perfection...

P.S. NO, I don't actually play the guitar. That's a total prop. I had to. I'm a cowgirl. Right?

Ya might wanna stick around for this one!

Meet Joanna from ModaMama
Can I just say I'm totally in love with her freaking ADORABLE pics and style? Just sayin...
About Me:
ModaMama is my personal life and style blog, or at least I like to think so!  It's where I share my daily fashion adventures as well as my own special brand of sassy sarcasm about the things that made me smirk and made me frown.  It's honest, it's simple and it's my way of trying to stay sane and fashionable while juggling acting, photography, writing, tv hosting, martial arts, family and friends.  The friends, and discoveries that have happened along the way are what makes ModaMama completely worthwhile to me. It's my fun side project, my way to reach out to people I may not know and say things like, "Hey, yes that's me you saw on that sausage commercial!  How come I'm the only one who hasn't seen it?," or you know, other profound thoughts like that. 
My Favorite Post:
I don't have a favorite post, there's  posts that are just thoughts, and other that spark some controversy, and others that entertain, but no favorite. I just like to keep moving forward.
If You Came To My House Unannounced
This post is simple, short and to the point. But the point is good. Being a mom and blogging isn't
always easy, especially when you need pics for your fashion posts.
But it just goes to show what a wonderful Momma Joanna is...

Meet Lena from Mom2MemphisandRuby
Can I just say that this girl rocks SO big time? How can a mom be this cool? Seriously?
About Me:
I am a lot of things... a fashion lover & wannabe photography, a good girl with a thing for tattoos, a wife/sister/daughter/friend... but of all the things I've been or am, a mommy is who I was meant to be!  My blog is a collection of all the things I love! Family, Fashion, Fun!
My Favorite Post: Ruby, for a day  
This is one of my favorites. It was fun to get inside Ruby's head while I wrote this post. She's such a sassy & spunky little one that it's hard not to blog about her  It's a post I'll be happy to look back on with her when she's older! ♥
THE FUNNY'S FAVE Mom2MemphisandRuby Post: 
10 Favorite Things About The 90's
Basically, because we are  like 2 peas in a pod. All Lena's 90s faves are mine too.
I sure miss Nirvana. (that was extra, free of charge)

Meet Helen from Eat. Enjoy. Live.
Alrighty. I'm just gonna say it. I haven't know Helen long, but to me when I read her life
and blog, two words come to mind. Sweet (ok, super sweet)...and loyal.
About Me:
Eat.Enjoy.Live is my journey to live a better life. Whether its eating better, dressing better, learning new skills, baking up a storm, or learning to be a nicer person. I try and learn something new everyday, and then share it with you! I would love for you to join me on my journey of discovery. 
My Favorite Post:  Grilled Pepper Salsa
I completely love this salsa. Honestly, I just can't get enough. I make a HUGE batch and then it goes on everything; chicken, sandwiches, chips, salmon, salads. I can also be seen sat in front of the TV with a spoon and my salsa! Yum!
THE FUNNY'S FAVE Eat. Enjoy. Live. Post:
I'm A Blog Angel Not A Stalker, Promise.
I was browsing through her blog and thought this was a perfect example of how incredibly sweet this girl is! Seriously, who doesn't love a little blog love? Ok, a lot blog love.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Grown Up Slam Book?

Does anyone else remember Slam Books?
Those moments in Jr high where you felt the need to 
obtain information from everyone in your class about 
who they thought was cute, 
what their favorite food was,
what subject the liked best,
 so you passed around notebooks for everyone 
to fill out, and at some point some teacher would confiscate it?
For a minute, I thought maybe it was JUST my school, MY jr high class 
(yes, in the 80s...ahem) trying to ease itself
of it's boredom or something, so we invented these "slam books."
So I googled it...and it turns out. I am not crazy.
Here is what wikipedia says: 
 A slam book in United States schools is a notebook (commonly the spiral-bound type) 
which is passed among junior high school students. The keeper of the book starts by 
posing a question (which may be on any subject) and the book is then passed round 
for each contributor to fill in their own answer to the question.

Well, I got passed the Slam Book this week.

And those days that I am not so inspired to write about
something personal or inspiriting,
I actually find it hard to post at all, so I LOOK for a linkup to link up with..
(ok, this is what I OFFICIALLY took upon myself to rename it!)
Thats what I'm talking about!

I was passed the slam book by
  Sarah at  The Not Quite So Military Wife

so here it goes =)
  The Rules are:
1. You must post the rules
2. Answer the 11 questions 
3. Create 11 new questions to ask people you've tagged
4. Tag 11 bloggers and link them to your post

New Questions  
What have you learned from blogging?
i have learned that women are amazing. and I am not the only one that has a whole other person hidden inside of me. i have learned that there are so many beautiful, inspiring, talented WOMEN (woo hoo) that have the ability to rock this world, and do something amazing. 

What is your number one tip or trick for new bloggers?
hmmm. i am kind of a new blogger myself, 
but i guess the main thing i learned is to make yourself available and 
show yourself friendly 
and supportive to other bloggers. also, don't get
overwhelmed trying to post things you have no business posting or no
time to do. it's YOUR blog. you can do and say what YOU want.

What was your favorite place you have ever visited?
the grand canyon, by far. I was in complete awe and close to tears.
the magnitude of creation far exceeds anything we can ever imagine.
it reminded me how big our God is. and how creative he is.

  Where can we find you on a Sunday at 10 am?
church. I'm a pk...I love jesus... I want my kids to love jesus.
I want to instill the habit and love for God in them, like it was in me.
that doesnt mean I didnt make my own decisions, 
because I do. they just happen to include church as a vital part of 
our lives.
 I am thankful for the habits formed in me..
besides, to be in the presence of God at anytime of the week 
makes a huge difference in what your week will be like.

What is your go-to comfort food?
Um. everything. ultimately i am a salty food eater and pepsi drinker.
its a horrible habit. but i can't seem to break it.
I know I can, but I guess I havent wanted to bad enough yet.
give me chips, pizza, pasta..
anything that tastes good with a super fizzy 
pepsi is like "ohhh sweet jesus, that was soooo good."

If you could go back to any time period in history, what would it be?
I am not really sure what time period it was... 
(and I dont feel like googling it right now) 
but I love the "anne of green gables" slot in time...
the long dresses, puffed sleeves, balls, boarding school..
gilbert blythe ;-)

What are your life goals for the next 3 years? be happy. to get my life back to the way it was before.
my glass was always half full.
after surviving "the great depression"...I want that again.
I'd possibly like to have another baby before I get too old, also...
we'll see. I'm getting kinda old.

What was the best thing to ever happen to you?
Freedom. I cant say it enough. Freedom from the constant battlefield 
that waged war in my mind. Letting go of things that held me 
back from joy...and casting my cares of God.
I was M-I-S-E-R-A-B-L-E!
I love my kids, I love my husband, my family, my church, etc...
but its so hard to enjoy any of that when your mind isn't free.

On a daily basis, what is your inspiration to get through the day?
I completely rely on the peace of God all days to get me through
those hectic, overwhelming or just normal life moments...
but also, the smiles and sweet words my kids say...
it makes life worth living.
tonight my son told me as he placed both hands on my face,
"hello, my unfailing love. your love never fails.
i will never be too cool for you." was sooo cute i could hardly stand it.
the smiles, giggles and laughter my kids bring are everything to me. 

What is your favorite pair of shoes and why?
My cowboy boots... because they were expensive as heck.
and my hubby thinks i look hott in them.
and everyone who buys the "cowboy boots" knock off,
is jealous of them... hee hee 

If you were given 60 (responsibility free) minutes, what would you do?
a massage is the obvious choice.
I think it is for most people...but when you have those 3 sweet kids that inspire you, suddenly fighting and yelling and tattle tailing and crying...
it's time for a massage =)

here are my 11 questions:
1) what are your favorite blogs & why?
2) when growing up, did you get along better with guys or girls? 
3) does this affect your blogging in a world full of "mostly" women?
4) what is your background (nationality, family history OR upbringing)?
5) if you could magically acquire one talent that comes natually to one of your close friends,
what would it be?
6) if you could go back in time at some point in YOUR life, what would it be and why?
7) what accessory is a MUST HAVE for you?
8) are you an open blogger ( do you speak your thoughts and heart)...
or do you choose not to or have a hard time being vulnerable?
9) Monday morning, 10 am...what are YOU doing?
10)What does your blog title mean?
11) when you think to yourself about life, your day, your conversations...
do you hold conversations in your head of what you should/want to say or should have said?

Here are the 11 people I am tagging.
I WILL NOT be offended if you dont want to play. =) 
or if you HAVE ALREADY played.
NOT at ALL! so no worries...
The Little Tiffanista
Two Smuppies
Girls Love Fried Pickles
Lauren Rebecca
Run Faster Mommy
  Chalk In The Rain
The Lee Family Happenings
Britches & Boots
All Glorious Within
  Emmy June

linking up with:



Saturday, February 25, 2012

Liebster Blog & Blog Mess

PLEASE excuse my BLOG MESS while I renovate it =) 
It may change backgrounds and headers several hundred times this week!
(wink wink)

So a few weeks ago, I was nominated for the Liebster Blog award by a GORGEOUS blogger named Lauren & her blog is called Lauren Rebecca ! Every time I go to her page I am seriously overwhelmed by how beautiful her photos are.. how poetic she is... and reading about her crazy undeniable love for her baby sweetie pie, Scarlett. If you havent checked out her blog, go do it... NOW... I mean it, go now =) Thank You, Lauren for the nomination and the support for a new blogger like me =) Sorry it took me so long to get around to assuming the position! =)

the rules are:
1. Link back to the blogger who nominated you :)
2. Copy and paste the award to your blog
  3. List at least three blogs (with less than 200 followers) you would like to award

...because you inspired me with your medical missions mentioning =) 
The Williams' Post

2)  Emmy June  
...because you linked me up with Fridays Letters! 

...because your a mama, and mamas need to be recognized =)
(no button that I noticed) =)

Here ya go! Go take a look see at these beautiful blogs =)
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