Monday, May 21, 2012


Show of hands,
(and I want you to leave a comment if you actually raised your hand
KNOW what I am talking about...
who here HATES being a doormat?
Being a ladder for someone else to climb up as they 
weasel their way to their version of success?
Some peoples version of success is this weird messed up way trying
to make people feel beneath them, believe it or not.
I never really got that. Because for me, I feel better about me,
when I make people feel happy...
But some people actually enjoy making them feel silly, look stupid, embarrassed,
feel unloved...
Ever feel that way?
Are you thinking of someone right now who has made you feel that way?
Whether it's a verbally or physically abusive relationship,
a friend that takes advantage of your kindness,
a guy trying to take advantage of your body,
a boss that has to prove to himself and his staff that HE is in fact the boss
by making you look or feel like an idiot~
by under appreciating you or over analyzing you...
Whatever, the case 
BEING USED by someone else isn't the making for 
a fabulous day... or life for that matter.

When it comes down to it, it hurts. It hurts alot.
And its beyond frustrating!!!
And we have all been there. I know I have.
I gotta say, I think I am way too nice a pretty nice person.
When talking to people or deciding if I should or shouldn't do certain things,
I'm always thinking 'what would make THEM feel good or help THEM?'
I don't like to cause a lot of ruckus. It really isn't in my nature.
I can be sarcastic in a fun way, but I am definitely not feisty.
And so then, throughout life, I tend to feel like the doormat.
Not really because I am afraid to say no,
just because I put myself out there more often than not.
It's sort of a cross between being ultra willing to "do"...
and people just forgetting to say thank you, maybe???
I dont know..

I have absolutely NO problem with being there for people,
in fact I love it...
but sometimes it's a recipe for my own hurt feelings.
Because when people are using you for their own selfishness benefit
in some way, rather than appreciating you, it can wear on you...
Most times, I don't even think people realize they are doing it,
but indeed,
 there are also people who are downright willingly abusive in a sense.

But I am killing two birds with one stone in this post, because
lately, I find being USED as sort of a thrill.
In fact, I find it to be the most satisfying feeling, like ever!!
 because when you put yourself out thereto be used by God,
there is NOTHING on earth like it. I mean it!
In reality, every day I wake up and I say "God, I give this day to you, help me to accomplish
what needs to get done, be who you want me to be, touch who you want me to touch,
love people, say what you want me to say...and please for the love of YOU,
USE me in all the quirky, naive, fun, sarcastic, creative ways
that you placed in me. Because it's all YOU, Lord.

Everything that he is using in ME, is actually HIM!
Which I LOVE! It's not ME at all!
But it is. It is me telling him, Lord anything that is in me that
is not of you, lets get rid of it...but EVERYTHING in me that IS from you,
And it amazes me lately how much he does.
It really is the greatest high you can get,
and the greatest honor to be USED by God!!
For so long, I felt like all those people in the Bible, that said,
"But Lord, I'm just me, I can't talk, I'm too short, I'm too young, I'm getting too old..."
blah blah blah...
and he says, "No, I placed things inside of you and I need YOU to touch lives.
It's by MY power and strength, not yours!!"
So then I just finally gave in, and said, "Ok God, have at it! Use ME!"

Imagine all that is inside of you,
have you let yourself be USED by God to touch lives?
Try it, you will be amazed how much he needs You to be willing!
And suddenly all those times you felt hurt or taken advantage of by others
simply falls away in the light of being Used by the Creator of the Universe.

2 Timothy 2:21-
If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honor, 
sanctified, meet for the master’s use, prepared unto every good work.

Ok, and now that I have your attention,
I thought I would try and be artistic and take a pic of me "holding" the USED title.
and obviously, it had to turn out with my enormous shadow 22 sizes bigger than me.
Trying to be cool just doesn't work for me.
Obviously not one of my talents =)


ginanorma said...

I love love how you went into being USED by God! And that is our whole life's mission, God use us, we have got to be a vessel for Him, we are HIS people, and this is our privilege to serve Him!

And when I catch onto being used the first way you were speaking of, I typically put boundaries up so see how God can USE me in that relationship...just depends!
Lovely pictures too sister.

Sue said...

I hate being used too... I have some friends that do it and I want to ask them if they know they're doing it or if they're just mean. But that's not in my nature so I just keep it to myself. I love your "cool" shot at the end :)

Brooke @ Covered in Grace said...

Julie, great words here. I definitely needed to read this today.
It's so important to remember to ask God to USE US and our gift and talents and passions that he put in us! That is what I want so badly... to make a splash and to do it for him.
I always love reading your posts!!

Anonymous said...

So funny - I was going to write about the whole "being a doormat" bit today. But I LOVE your twist at the end. I also love that gorgeous shadow which you are casting :) Hehe :) In my experience, it always felt like my shadow had a better body than me - oh the jealousy!!! ;)

Elisha(: said...

this is sooo well-written!! girl, you are amazing!! and gorgeous too. andd stylish. LOVE the entire outfit(:


Aleisha said...

You are adorable Julie!!

TicoTina said...

a quote I pinned almost a year ago now, wow, time flies! is "Sometimes we expect more from others because we would be willing to do that much for them." I identify with this SO much. I really like how you worked that twist at the end of this post, Julie! =)

Lucy McCracken said...

wow I absolutely love your post! yes, I've been there when someone close to me hurt me. it hurt but by the grace of god I was able to forgive and nove on. I so agree with you we need God to help carry us when we're down. I love your blog and I'm your new follower. I will also be e-mailing you to button swap. I'll put your button on my blog today though :)

~Brooke said...

Hey, you commented on my blog, so I came to check out your blog! I love this post! and your kids are so, so cute!! :)


Erin said...

I just love you!

Seriously, every word in this post really hit home for me because I'm actually dealing with an extreme situation with a friendship, someone who has never respected my boundaries and who has used me for years in an abusive way, and I finally cut it off. Reading your words of wisdom gave me the encouragement I needed today.

Love that outfit - cute boots!!
And you always make me laugh - that picture caption with the shadow lol :)

Sierra said...

My hand is officially raised.
Love this post. Thank you.
Oh, Just Living the Dream

Sierra said...

My hand is officially raised.
Love this post. Thank you.
Oh, Just Living the Dream

Janna Bogert said...

I love the duality in this post! At first I was all sad, and then BAM. You surprised us! I can't do "cool" in pics either. I usually just feel silly. PS. I thought I was going to be #150, but dangit- I was 151.

The Not Quite Military Wife said...

I think we all have been in "used" situations and I have always looked at it the wrong way. Thank you for your Godly perspective, I needed it!

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