The truth is
sometimes life has to be on purpose
sure, we can just live and breath and speak
letting the dishes pile up on the counter
letting the dog go unbathed
letting the voice mail go unchecked
all these things I do weekly
scratch that, daily
I let things go
important things slide right past my day
like visits to dentist
or undone homework
or eczema that has infested my entire body
I think i wake up thinking
that if I pretend it's not there, somehow
it will go away on it's own
Ok, the truth is
the eczema I can't pretend
My skin literally crunches when I walk
and I'd like to pretend I'm not in pain
physical, actual pain
but I am
The truth is somedays when I manage to
schedule a few long overdue appointments
read a few chapters from a book
and sweep the floor
all in the same day
I feel like superwoman
and I tell myself to grow up
be an adult
The truth is,
that little girl in the photo
Sometimes I have to be intentional with her
because she's the middle child
not my baby, not my first born
she got stuck in the middle
and I have to remind myself
and remind her
how much I love her
how happy she makes me
and how much her personality makes me laugh
and at night when the other two kids want me to rub their back,
tickle their feet
and they shower me with kisses
and she simply rolls over with no requests of me
after saying "I love you Mommy"
It's then that I go in for the snuggle
I have to do it on purpose
So that she never forgets how much I love her
and need her
And the truth is
she is my mini-me
she will go to bed silently
but the smile on her face
says more than any words ever could
I remember then how much my self sufficient
comedic middle child
needs me too.
linked up with my dear friend brooke at covered in grace