You guys, this morning I am a happy girl.
You know that feeling when you are crying, and you are broken hearted or devastated
at the pain another individual caused in your life. I know that feeling all too well
~yeah, not that.
This is an emotion almost exactly the opposite. These are tears because of the joy
that people have brought int o my life, because of the good of humanity,
the good of friends and the good of people I barely know and of people I have never
even met...
If you have a few minutes, I need you to hear this...
Exciting news!! I just recorded it this morning..
The majority of my support and cheerleading has been through people I have never met,
or only have met online, have only met once or twice in real life, some who I have never
met at all, and people I haven't seen in 15-20 years. I've had complete strangers walk up to me and hand me cash when they heard about what I was doing
That is both awesome and crazy...the good of people that connect with you...
you are a doll! YAY for all your hard work and now reaping the rewards!
You are amazing!! I officially love you watching your video hehe In a "love ya like a sista" kinda way ;)
Praise the Lord!!
Peace!...with 2 fingers;)
You are the cutest!! Congratulations!!! You are amazing! I'm so glad I could help donate the little but that I did!!! I'm so thrilled your going for one more and I lived this Vlog because I could just see the excitnent oozing from you:) well done
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