Tuesday, November 19, 2013

17 Years of Marriage

This week, Jeff and I celebrate 17 years of marriage. That means I got married when I was twelve.
Hehe. There are some things that just don't go without saying and my gratitude for this man as of late is beyond enormous. If you are facebook friends with me, you may have read that I have not been feeling well the last few months. I've been absent from the online world and certainly anti-social. Several physical issues combined have left me exhausted, both physically and emotionally and in pain and weary and somewhat frightened at times.  Jeff has certainly pulled double parent and grown up duty in our house lately. Not to mention he sat and hugged me in between his responsibilities for about 20 minutes last Saturday as I sobbed and sobbed. He didn't try to fix anything. He was just there for me.
My general status the last couple months has been laying on the sofa or in my bed, with no makeup and sweats watching him run the kids everywhere, pick them up, make lunches, do laundry, make dinners, do dishes...meanwhile work his own job. Today, I felt like crying as I looked at myself in the mirror and thought, "The least I could do is put on some makeup and look pretty for him." So I did.
I am forever in debt to my husband for his uncompromising commitment to be there for me when I didn't deserve it and when I needed it most. Although I know marriage isn't about debt, but it's being a part of a team and unconditional love. Yes, he has definitely taken more than one for the team.

Just wanting to wish my hubby a Happy Anniversary this week.
And let you all know I am alive, not exactly kicking, but happy and alive.

I want to say a special thank you to Thrive Moms, Mackenzie, & Lena for your continued prayers and encouragement. It has meant and helped alot.


Cody Doll said...

I have been wondering about you. i hope your okay and well. I miss you but you need to get well first. =]

Annie said...

I'll be praying for you, Julie. Happy 17th anniversary! Love and miss you!

Niken said...

send all my thoughts and prayers to you. i hope you're getting well soon, Julie. and happy anniversary for you and Jeff :)

Danette said...

I am so sorry that you are not feeling well. It's difficult to stay positive when so much of life seems to be going all wrong. I will be praying for you healing in body, mind, and spirit. God wants us to be whole not just well. :)

Kristine@thefoleyfam said...

Man love. Sorry to hear that you're not feeling well :( Will def say prayers and lift you all up. YAY for amazeball husbands! Happy anniversary to you love birds :) XOXOXO

Sandra said...

I'm sorry that you have been ill Julie, I completely understand what you're feeling as the past three years have been very difficult health wise for me. I will pray for you, for God to heal you, and for your husband & family as well :)

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